
The Indispensable Backdrop of Mark

Most people think Matthew is the gospel with the heavy Old Testament backdrop and that you don’t need to dig deeply into the Old Testament to understand Mark. But after studying Mark for the past couple of years, I couldn’t disagree more. Though Mark is rarely explicit in his use of the Old Testament, the backdrop… Continue reading The Indispensable Backdrop of Mark


Shepherd & Teacher: Linked Gifts?

Jay Gossage brought it to my attention that Shepherd and Teacher appear to be paired together in the listing of gifts in Ephesians 4:11. Sure enough, in Greek the “some to be” phrase is repeated separately for apostles, prophets and evangelists, but only once for “shepherds and teachers”. Aside: I realize it’s more commonly translated “pastors and… Continue reading Shepherd & Teacher: Linked Gifts?


I am the Lord’s servant; may your word to me be fulfilled

I’ve been studying Luke lately and have been struck by the contrasting responses of Mary and Zechariah to the unbelievable message brought to them by Gabriel. Zechariah is an elderly priest serving in the temple. He and his wife are both righteous and have prayed for a child, but are both too old to have… Continue reading I am the Lord’s servant; may your word to me be fulfilled